Current Fundraising Events


Skibbereen Cathedral Bicentenary Fundraising Garden Party – Sunday 18 August 2 pm in the Presbytery Garden, North Street. Great afternoon assured for all the family with Music, Games and Refreshments Please Support Adm €5 per person. Children go free.





Talk on the History of St Patrick’s Cathedral
will take place on Thursday 22 August at 7.30 pm
in the Cathedral, North Street, Skibbereen, Co Cork

St Patrick’s Roman Catholic Cathedral, Skibbereen is one of Ireland’s generation of Georgian Cathedrals. For nearly two centuries St Patrick’s Cathedral has stood guard over the town, in the process, bearing witness to many of the key events in Irish history.  This talk will draw upon previously unseen source materials to enhance not only our understanding of the development of this fine building, but also of the key characters who spearheaded this development. Gerald O’Brien and Con Hurley have been working on uncovering more of Cathedral’s story over the past year. Con Hurley will present their findings on the night. In addition, Denis O’Driscoll will update those gathered on the plans for the maintenance of the Cathedral.